Daughter of Elisabeta and Mihai Mada, teachers from Arad, Romania, Mihaela graduate "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, in 1984. It was the "Golden Age" of Ceausescu. She married during college with Constantin Buzatu.
By sustaining a contest, she was employed at the Computing Center of Astra Factory from Arad, a privileged place, an oasis for intellectuals. The six years spent there, working in programming but also reading and having valuable discussion with her colleagues, teachers and engineers, has been one of the happiest periods for Mihaela.
After the events of December 1989, Mihaela was aware that there is turning point in her life. To really experiment freedom, she founded in July 1991, the company Expert Group SRL. Area chosen: trade with garden plants. Motivation: engaged in the past in designing and executing a garden at her parents house, she discovered a very pleasant activity but also noticed that people acces to ornamental garden plants, in Romania, is too difficult. The period was divided by the born of her childrens, in 1992 and 1998.
In 2000, with two boys, one at school, one at kindergarten, it was time for rethinking the company's activity. Online selling was possible! Mihaela inagurated her webshop: www.EutopiaMall.com. In the same period, Mihaela began the construction of a dendrological park, named "Eutopia Gardens" (in gr. eu- beautiful, topos-place), near Mandruloc village ("Mandruloc" has the same meaning in Romanian language).
In 2005 Mihaela create the Eutopia Gardens Foundation, with ambitious goals, put in the service of young peoples (students).
2011 is another milestone in the work of Mihaela Aurora Buzatu. Mihaela launch two new projects, two internet portals: one dedicated to support education (www.Pro-Paideia.info), second to promote manufacturers from worldwide and theirs products (www.Pro-Faber.info).
... and the road to EuTopia continue!